Donations in Rupees (INR)

Your donation makes all the difference!

Electronic Transfers

Electronic transfers of money should be made to the following account:

Account Name: Samarpan Foundation
Account Number: 22750200000357
Account Type: Current
Bank Name: Bank of Baroda
Branch Name: Siri Fort HA Branch

Please note: the "0" in the SWIFT code is a zero!


Pay using the UPI ID: sfdonate@barodampay


Pay using QR code:
(Scan the QR code below using your UPI app)

Baroda Pay QR code

Kindly send the donation accompanied by an email to [email protected] providing the following details:

  • Full name, address, email address and contact number
  • PAN number (mandatory, if allotted)

A tax-deductible receipt will follow by post.

Please send the accompanying email as it is necessary for bank purposes. A tax-deductible receipt will follow by email.